Micha is a leading projects lawyer who practices in the areas of construction and infrastructure with an emphasis on defense, transportation, and energy PPPs. His practice also covers dispute resolution where he advises clients on delay, disruption & prolongation claims.
He represents construction companies delivering public infrastructure projects and has been lead partner on several landmark projects.
A founding member of the Israel Construction Law Society and Israel’s country representative of the Dispute Review Board Foundation, Micha lectures at professional infrastructure panels, and in his Reserve duty serves as a legal officer with the IDF Legal Corps international division.
Micha represents clients for prestigious bids, tenders, and awards, in Israel and worldwide.
Some of Micha’s recent experiences:
- Represented a bidder in the award of the Ministry of Defense BOT for the Finance, Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance project to have the IDF’s logistics centers combined in three centers in northern, central, and southern Israel under one unified command
- Represented a bidder in the Ministry of Defense BOT for the Finance, Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of an IDF training base known as “Ir Habahadim“;
- Represented a bidder in the Ministry of Defense BOT for the Finance, Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance project for the transfer of the IDF IT Corps and air force units to the South of Israel, Kiryat Ha’tikshuv Technological Base;
- Representing Bidder in Ofek Rahav BOT for the Finance, Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the IDF base in Ramle & Lod.
- Represented a bidder in the award of the tender for the construction of the new Haifa harbor known as the – Hamifratz Port;
- Representing Bidder in ICL Tender for the Salt Conveyance Project
- Represented a bidder in the award of a PPP/ PFI tender for the delivery of the Highway 16 Project;
Intercity Light Rail (NTA)
- Represented bidders on the Metropolitan Mass Transit System Eastern Segment, Western Segment, Carlibach Station, and SDAG tenders for the construction of the light rail Red Line project in Tel Aviv;
- Represented Government company nominated to deliver the light rail to Tel Aviv, manage and negotiate amendments to the red line Rolling Stock supply and maintenance contract with Chinese supplier;
- Represented government company nominated to deliver the light rail to Tel Aviv, prepared the operation contract and administer the operation tender;
- Represented Bidder in NTA Metro Network Manager Tender and in the award and implementation of the Project;
- Represent Bidder in the Tender for the management of the Blue Line Project on behalf of JTMT
Intercity Light Rail (JTMT and JNET)
- Represented the State on negotiating extensions and branches to the existing red line, and negotiate the Supply and Maintenance of additional Rolling Stock to existing Red Line in Jerusalem;
- Represent the project sponsor and partner in the EPC and OM in the negotiation of the project agreements on the JNET financial close;
- Represent leading international Rolling Stock manufacturer in Jerusalem Blue Line Tender
National Railway
- Represented a Rolling Stock manufacturer bid in a Supply and Maintenance tender for the provision of Double Deck Electric Rolling Stock procured by Israel Railway
- Represented an international consortium bid on the Fifth Water System for Jerusalem, on a tender administered by Mekorot;
- Represent leading international company forming a partner of the Bidder in Mekorot tender for Procurement and Construction of 80″ Pipelines to Connect the West Galilei Desalination Facility to the Israeli National Water System
- Represented a leading Israeli as EPC Contractor on a water purification project in Africa
Conventional Energy
- Represented an international bidder, as well as the EPC Contractor on the 450-megawatt Combined Cycle Power Plant in Beer Tuvia;
- Represented an international EPC Contractor in the Ramat Gavriel and Alon Tavor Power Plants negotiate subcontracts and consultancy agreements;
Represented an international EPC:
- on settlement of claims on Delek Sorek 144 MegaWatt Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plant;
- bid on the Etgal Ashdod 186 MegaWatt open cycle peaking natural gas power plant; and
- bid and settle claims on the Hadera Paper combined cycle power plant;
- Represented a major subcontractor in litigious proceedings on the 435 Mega-Watt Tallawara power plant, in New South Wales Australia;
Renewable Energy
- Represented the EPC and OM on 5 PV solar energy farms of 35MegaWatt in the Negev;
- Represented an SPC delivering dozens of mid-size solar projects serving kibbutzim, agricultural properties, municipalities, schools, sport gymnasiums recreational facilities, and industrial factories;
- Represented Bidder on the PPP project to finance, plan, build, operate maintain and transfer to the state an installation in Dimona to produce 300 megawatt of electricity from solar energy using photovoltaic technology which also includes a 210 megawatt-hour storage
Pumped Storage:
- Represented the developer of a pumped storage project in Jerusalem in the initiation phase with the Electricity Authority;
- Represented the developer of a wind farm in northern Israel negotiated wind turbine supply and maintenance agreements with international manufacturers, and the balance of plant agreement
Commercial complex
Represented developers negotiate the EPC contract for the completion of an abandoned shopping mall in Sydney, and claim against the terminating Contractor
Represented a leading international company bid on a Tender of Sourasky Hospital to procure a proton facility.