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Read About the Backpack Charitable Drive the NY Office Held for EducNation

Pro Bono / January 29, 2020

The New York office of Pearl Cohen recently held a charitable drive to collect greatly needed backpacks and school supplies for the children of Haiti.  The drive was organized and run by Karen Chyrack who worked diligently in coordination with the nonprofit organization EducNation to provide the needed donations. In total over 50 backpacks were collected and donated.

A second drive to collect new children’s shoes is currently in the works and will be kicked off later in the year.

About EducNation: EducNation was founded in 2015. It is a nonprofit organization that focuses on providing access to education in Haiti to those in need. The organization’s main mission is to educate for a better tomorrow through building schools, ensuring the academic training of children in need, training the Haitian population through seminars and conferences, and sponsoring youth in their academic and professional training.