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Value Added and other Indirect Tax

Our tax experts understand supply chain processes, accounting practices and VAT rules, as well as how to correctly file VAT, report transactions, and more.


Value Added Tax and Goods and Services Tax are non-U.S. consumption taxes imposed on sales of goods by businesses at each stage of production and distribution. With indirect tax becoming many governments’ preferred method of revenue raising, and evermore complicated regulations focused on combatting fraud, the indirect tax world is experiencing an unprecedented era of expansion and transformation. Any business that buys, sells, invests or employs staff faces indirect taxes.

The growing popularity of VAT and other indirect taxes is dominating the global business environment and it’s more critical than ever to find efficient strategies to manage indirect tax compliance and cash flows. With the complications of new international tax regulations and capital requirements, businesses require professional tax advice to optimize cash flow and minimize risks.

At Pearl Cohen we understand supply chain processes, accounting practices and VAT rules as well as how to correctly file VAT and Intrastat returns and properly report transactions. Our legal expertise and many years of international experience enable us to provide our clients with the in- ongoing assistance in special transactions, with emphasis on VAT implications and representation in formulation of VAT opinions, VAT assessment hearings, attainment of pre-rulings and more.