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Firm News / June 04, 2024

Pearl Cohen UK is pleased to announce that  European patent attorney Caleb Gilliam-Scott has completed the Diploma in Patent Litigation in Europe offered by the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) of the University of Strasbourg.

The CEIPI diploma is accredited as a European patent litigators certificate (EPLC) by decision of the Administrative Committee of the UPC, Ref: D-AC/07/24112023, November 2023. The course involved 120 hours of lecture courses and a mock trial comprising a written procedure and oral presentations before a panel of guest judges.

Following completion of the course, Caleb has now registered as a representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC), the new court common to seventeen EU member states which celebrated its one-year anniversary on 1st June 2024.

He joins UK partners Richard Korn and Kelly Virdee-Crofts as representatives registered before the UPC and permitted to use the title “European Patent Litigator,” capable of acting on behalf of claimants and defendants in proceedings before the court.


A picture from the mock trial held as part of the Diploma