OECD Members Agree to Protect Personal Data from the Reach of Security AgenciesClient Updates
Israeli Ministry of Justice Proposes Enhanced Privacy Rights Only for EU ResidentsClient Updates
EU Commission Publishes Draft Decision on Transfers of Personal Data from the EU to the U.S.Client Updates
Advocates Refael Liba and Ofer Cohen-Zedek lecture at the Israel Bar Association annual conferenceעדכון לקוחות
The Court: A regulated policy must be established with regard to the conduct of the banks against the customers related to cryptocurrency Class Action (Tel Aviv District) 24372-08-19 Yuval Amir v. Bank Mizrahi Tefahot Ltd. (published in the Nevo database, September 18, 2022)Client Updates
Civil Appeal 2855/20 Anonymous v. Anonymousעדכון לקוחות
Civil Action 45627-09-22 Chodin v. Bank Leumi of Israel Ltd.עדכון לקוחות
A class action can be held against a monopoly on grounds of excessive pricingClient Updates
Israel Privacy Protection Authority Issues Draft Guidance on Handling Health-Related DataClient Updates
Final Guidelines in Israel on Conducting a Privacy Impact AssessmentClient Updates
The Digital Markets Act Enters into Force in the European UnionClient Updates
Israel Innovation Authority Publishes Draft Policy for Regulation and Ethics in Artificial IntelligenceClient Updates