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Israel Innovation Authority Publishes Draft Policy for Regulation and Ethics in Artificial Intelligence

Client Updates / November 30, 2022

Written by Haim Ravia and Dotan Hammer

Avoiding horizontal legislation governing artificial intelligence, adopting ethical principles for the use of artificial intelligence, promoting proper regulation, and forming tools and knowledge centers on the use and regulation of artificial intelligence – are some of the principles of the draft regulatory policy and ethics in artificial intelligence in Israel, published by the Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology.

The draft policy rules out any unique regulation of artificial intelligence through horizontal legislation. The policy, therefore, calls on the government to examine the need to promote regulation in concrete cases; promote regulation based on risk management; adapt regulation according to other developed countries; preferably use soft and advanced regulatory tools; develop modular regulation through the use of pilot programs; and engage the public in the design of the principles of the regulation.

The draft policy also establishes the ethical principles to be adopted in the use and development of artificial intelligence. These include promoting growth, sustainable development, and Israeli leadership in the field of innovation; respecting fundamental rights and public interests; equality and prevention of unfair discrimination; transparency; reliability, durability, security, and safety; and accountability of the developers of artificial intelligence, its operators, and users.

To implement the plan to promote innovation, encourage the growth of the high-tech industry, and strengthen technological and scientific leadership, the draft policy also outlines the steps to be taken. These include the formation of a uniform risk management tool for the use of artificial intelligence; the establishment of a governmental knowledge and coordination center; and maintaining Israel’s active involvement in the development of international regulation and standardization.

Click here to read the draft of the regulatory policy and ethics in the field of artificial intelligence in Israel (In Hebrew).

Click here to read the program to promote innovation, encourage the growth of the high-tech industry and strengthen technological and scientific leadership (In Hebrew).