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Australian Government Addresses the Opportunities and Challenges of AI Technology

Client Updates / January 31, 2024

Written by Haim Ravia and Dotan Hammer

The Australian government has released its interim response to the consultation on safe and responsible artificial intelligence (AI), conducted in 2023. In this response, the Australian government indicates its commitment to mitigating the risks associated with AI technology. Recognizing AI as a crucial tool for enhancing Australia’s welfare and economic growth, the government is focused on harnessing its advantages while effectively addressing and controlling inherent risks.

Initiatives by the Australian government include:

  • Establishing an advisory body to promote guidelines for regulating safe and responsible artificial intelligence technology.
  • Promoting voluntary safety standards in artificial intelligence.
  • Collaborating with various industry bodies and encouraging technology companies to tag and mark content generated by artificial intelligence.
  • Advancing the enactment of new laws to regulate the use of “high-risk” artificial intelligence technology, such as deepfake technology, while minimizing limitations on “low-risk” uses of artificial intelligence technology, such as spam filtering.
  • Collaborating with industry bodies to introduce a range of guidelines, including encouraging technology companies to label and watermark content generated by AI.

Click here to read about the Australian government`s decision.