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EU Parliament Advances the Artificial Intelligence Act

Client Updates / June 28, 2023

Written by Haim Ravia and Dotan Hammer

Members of the European Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), sending it to the EU countries in the European Council to reach an agreement on the final form of the law later this year.

The initial draft of the AI Act aimed to establish a legal framework for the use of artificial intelligence tools while ensuring the protection of human rights. It intends to guarantee the safety, transparency, traceability, non-discrimination, and environmental friendliness of artificial intelligence systems used by European Union residents. Additionally, the EU Parliament’s AI Act seeks to establish a technology-neutral, uniform definition for AI that can be applied to future AI systems.

Last month, the European Parliament accepted a series of amendments to the initial version of the AI Act. One of the amendments accepted imposes obligations on companies that develop or operate creative AI tools, such as ChatGPT. As part of this amendment, these companies will be required to disclose any proprietary materials used in the development of the tool and ensure that the training and development of the tools adequately protect the fundamental rights of individuals in the European Union.

Click here to read the European Parliament’s statement on the approval of the AI Act.

Click here to reach the text adopted by the European Parliament on the AI Act.